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Kick-Off Meeting

Kick-Off Meeting


Project Name: Lyric Revitalization

Meeting Objective: Get the project off to an effective start by introducing key stakeholders, reviewing project goals, and discussing future plans


  • Introductions of attendees

  • Review of project background

  • Review of project-related documents (i.e. business case, project charter)

  • Discussion of project organizational structure

  • Discussion of project scope, time, and cost goals

  • Discussion of other important topics

  • List of action items from meeting

Date and time of next meeting:

Monday: February 27th, 2017 @ 1:30pm

Kick-Off Meeting Notes:

Project ideas

- Social media presence / promotion with analytics

- Smart phone /tablet app for ticket sales, schedule…

- Data analytics program in house to see what is working / what can be improved on

- Fundraiser

Companies they are currently working with Gillys, Cabo, Champs, Block Hen: *student membership


Survey before hand - make it 10 questions or less

Movie pass or coupon for popcorn/soda for a feedback survey

Susan - Executive director - POC

Current tactics for marketing

- Grad week

- Collegiate time

- Talking to departments - Core of cadets - Facebook adds

Soapbox is the marketing service/company

*started working with them in January

Takes Hokie passport

Only ways for them to market through the school

- Collegiate - Woovit

- Odessy

Facebook page has around 6k likes Lyric late night movies page (was maintained by a previous worker/volunteer)

Three main areas where we can help: 1. Promotions 2. Awareness

3. Gaining feedback (create forum)

They get to have 12 banquet licenses per year for alcohol



Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.


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