Meeting Minutes - 3/29
Meeting Minutes - The Lyric Revitalization Project
Location: The Lyric Theatre Date: 3/29/17 Time: 12:30 PM
Board Members: Susan Mattingly, James Arthur
VT Project Management Group: Ray Blandford, Bryan Cooper, Eric Do, Trevor Moody, and Matthew Simanivanh
Meeting Overview:
Go over Susan’s desired changes to the Scavenger Hunt Plan, Scavenger Hunt Flyer, and Facebook Campaign Plan
Scavenger Hunt Plan
“What is meant by obscure photo given that Get Out is a racially charged film?” - when we hide the envelope containing the winning flyer, we are going to take an artsy photo that doesn’t give the location away right away
Schedule: First scavenger item will be a teaser the week before the feature begins (Friday, April 21st). Then we will hit the scavenger hunt hard on the Monday-Friday the following week.
Sweeten the pot by doing a t-shirt and a mug or some other combination of items
Message them the posting the day of or day before
Scavenger Hunt Flyer
Changed the word “premier” to “feature”
Need to given the times that James will be at the theatre to redeem the prize and provide them with his email just in case
Facebook Campaign Plan
Change Thursday and Wednesday around
TBT with history/fact question about the lyric
Wednesday - 2 night reminder to catch the current feature film
Message them the posting the day of or day before
Updates on Dinner and a Movie Deals, selling of merchandise, and any other miscellaneous tasks
Waiting to hear back from Next Door Bakeshop. Will keep Susan updated on this.
Got confirmation to go talk to Sharkeys. Will keep Susan updated on this.
Susan will be talking with GreenHouse shirts and other restaurants
Next steps that all parties need to take
Need to present a list of midnight showing movies
Finalize the changes to the plans and send them back over to Susan for the final approval
Send Susan a social media schedule for the what are the best possible times
Plan out on a calendar the scavenger hunt posts, awards, placements, etc. and send this to Susan
None at the time
Set up the next meeting
We will be meeting again on April 19th @ 12:30pm